“Dear Ms Drybala-I am the chief of Orthopedics(The Rubin Inst) at Sinai; on 10-18 I went to your facility to purchase some support hose and other accessories.
I was met by Schedeen with a smile and firm handshake, we discussed my needs and she immediately set out to help me asking if I would mind if a trainee would accompany her; of course I agreed to have the trainee watch!
We went thru various measurements and devices before finally settling on some supporthose and an assistive device-she helped me getting in and out of the hose etc by being on her knees-she was smiling and so helpful while making me comfortable both physically and mentally! She is a real asset to your facility; she carries herself very professionally!
I also appreciate the professional courtesy she afforded me.”
Jerome P. Reichmister MD
Chairman Rubin Inst
Chief of Orthopedics, Sinai Hospital
Thank you for helping us again this year. Your company has a record of outstanding service and we appreciate you!
– Dell & Melissa Sadler

I have been buying your products for a few years now, I can’t tell you how professional Victoria is. She is very helpful. She shows you how to get the best wear out of your products. I trust her so much and feel no question is too stupid to ask her. She is amazing! I would be lost without her help. She knows her products and she “sells” her products for you. Thank you,
– Jeannette Harris