People who have certain health conditions and those who spend most of the day on their feet can be advised to wear compression socks. Benefits These products do not only limit the swelling of their legs, but they are also known to reduce stress felt by the legs. Apart from these benefits, compression socks are […]
Prescription Compression Stockings Keep You on Your Feet and Healthy
It is common to hear about people sharing health concerns from being tied to their desks all day, seated and inactive. While being sedentary does pose considerable health risks, the same is true for people experiencing the opposite — individuals who remain on their feet and moving for the greater part of their day. These […]
Where To Buy Compression Stockings In Maryland
So many people these days are relieved to discover compression therapy. This is the use of specialized socks or stockings to manage lymphedema and chronic venous disease, which typically manifests as leg fatigue, heaviness and aches. Benefits Of Compression Stockings Thanks to compression stockings, users are able to reduce and prevent the swelling because of […]
What You Need to Know About Compression Stockings for Varicose Veins
Do you suffer from varicose veins? Do you have pain, discoloration, or leg ulcers? In need of compression stockings for them? Varicose veins do not always require treatment. However, you may require treatment if the condition is causing you pain, if you are suffering from complications like discoloration and leg ulcers, and for cosmetic reasons. […]
Medical Compression Stockings | Medical Supply Maryland
Medical compression stockings can help you through the day if you are in need of them. Many people including those with edema, thrombosis, and phlebitis are in need of compression support stockings on a daily basis. Caring Touch Medical offers most of the major brands including prescription and non-prescription. We understand that medical supplies can […]
Where To Buy Support Compression Hose In Maryland
At Caring Touch Medical we have 5 convenient locations in Maryland where you can purchase support compression hose. We offer prescription and non-prescription, ready to wear and custom fitted compression stockings for both women and men. They come in a wide variety of colors, different styles, and fashionable designs. Please contact the location below that […]
Inspiring Story Of Lymphedema and Lipedema Featured On The Doctors
An inspiring story about Sarah, who suffers from lymphedema and lipedema, featured on The Doctors televison show. Compression Therapy helps to reduce edema in her legs and hips. Sarah states in the video that if she didn’t wear compression stockings her legs would get bigger and get hard and painful (more painful than they already […]
14 Tips For Best Results When Using Graduated Compression Stockings
The website has provided the following tips to help you get the best results from your stockings: Wear gradient compression socks or stockings everyday. Use rubber gloves to get a better grip on the fabric. If you cannot tolerate wearing the stockings all day, wear them for a few hours at a time and […]
Top Resource For Preventing Deep Vein Thrombosis or Blood clots
Here is a great resource on helping you with the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE). ClotCare Online Resource Their mission is to provide you with the most up to date information on therapies used to prevent and/or treat blood clots that can lead to other more serious health problems. They are a non-profit organization supported […]
Compression Stockings Used Wrong (And Why Not To Buy Them On The Internet)
This is a great and eye opening article on how Compression Stockings are used WRONG 25% of the time, making them useless to you the patient. These stockings can help save your life by reducing the risk of developing a deep venous thrombosis DVT, or deep vein clot by fifty percent. The stockings can also […]