Being a nurse means walking a lot. Standing for long hours can cause various leg conditions, such as varicose veins and fatigue. And there is nothing worse for a nurse than being worried about the legs and feet.
If you have to stand on your feet a lot, try to sit when possible and do stretches. It is also important to wear quality compression stockings that can prevent leg fatigue. Leg pain can also result in back pain. However, the increased blood circulation that compression socks can guarantee a great relief.
Decrease foot and leg swelling
Standing on your feet the whole day can lead to the pooling of blood or the swelling of your legs and feet. This condition is also known as edema. Compression socks can increase the blood flow and force it upwards, which significantly reduces the likelihood of swelling. Moreover, compression helps with existing swelling simply because legs do not have the space to expand into.
Prevent varicose veins
The main causes of varicose veins are poor blood circulation, venous insufficiency and the effect of gravity. In a body of a healthy human, the blood flows to the heart. There are little valves in the veins that do not let the blood flow down the veins. Sometimes, these valves get weaker which means the blood comes down. If that is the case, your veins will bulge and that is known as spider veins or varicose veins. Compression socks can successfully prevent and treat this problem by forcing the blood to flow to the heart and increasing blood circulation.
Help fight soreness
Nurses have to work hard. They have long working hours, stand a lot and perform challenging tasks. This can stress your body out. While some nurses may say that soreness is just a part of their work, there is no need to suffer pain. One of the proven ways to prevent soreness and reduce discomfort in your legs is to wear compression stockings. They increase oxygen and blood flow and remove lactic acid from building up in your legs and feet.
Reduce leg fatigue
Since compression stockings significantly increase blood flow, oxygen flow and the flow of other nutrients, nurses feel great relief from leg fatigue and leg heaviness. Compression stockings help legs feel more energized and have more fuel. Of course, nurses can wear socks every day and not only during their shifts. Wearing them on a regular basis and even at home help reduce recovery time for your legs and feet.
Here’s your next step…
If you are not sure about which compression stockings to get, the best way to find this out is to consult with professionals. At Caring Touch Medical, we offer you a wide selection of compression stockings of all sizes and designs. You will quickly see all the benefits of our compression stockings. If you have more questions about anything relating to compression stockings, feel free to contact us now.
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